Questionnaire Analysis

Statistical analysis of the results of questionnaire on Luzhou Cup

1.Appearance (fat or thin)

In the part of appearance (fat or thin), the respective percentage is very close according to the analysis result. It may be because that the thin cup is easy to be carried and the fat one is easy to be cleaned. They have the respective advantages and the result is equally matched.



In the part of cup capacity, nearly 59% interviewees choose the large capacity. It may because the cup with large capacity can hold more water or beverage, which can meet the needs of ordinary people!



In the part of cup material, nearly 83% interviewees choose the stainless steel. It shows that the characteristics of durability and nontoxicity of stainless steel are favored by everyone.



In the part of discounts, nearly 55% interviewees hope that they can enjoy the 15% or 10% discount. But due to the difference in the operational costs of various stores, the discount of Luzhou Cup will be determined by the stores to give the preferential treatment.


5.Function 1_straw hole

6. Function 2_ heat-resistant cover

7. Function 3_ detachable hanging belt

The cup function has 3 parts. Most people choose “no need for straw”, heat-resistant cover and “no need for detachable hanging belt”. So, most interviewees hope that the cup function can be simplified.

8.Shop 1_7-Eleven

9. Shop 2_Starbucks


10. Shop 3_Ching Shin

11. Shop 4_85 C

12.Shop 5_A+

13. Shop 6_50 Lan

14. Shop 7_CoCo

15.Shop 8_meetea

16.Shop 9_OKla

17.Shop 10_YAMI

In the part of cup’s cooperative merchants, the top 3 merchants obtaining the highest popularity are respectively 7-11, Coco and Ching Shin
